Avoiding Unhealthy Relationships.
Determine what truly satisfies you. What matters to you in a relationship? What are the faiths you want to maintain in a relationship status? What are you passionate about that your loved one needs to respect? What activities actually make you feel better and you’d need to continue while in a relationship? Try not to concentrate on the negatives (i.e. what makes you mad or unhappy). Motivational life things concentrate on the positives. Concentrate on the matters that truly satisfy you — make you feel good inside, don’t give you any stress, and make you happy.
Seriously think about these matters, then pen them down. You might want a decent period of timeframe to think of everything.
Read back through your note list. These are the matters you require and need in any relationship. These things must be non-negotiable.
Learn from your past
It can be rather easier to repeatedly have bad relationships as you don’t take the time to figure out what went false in the previous relationships. Before dive into a new relationship, stop and think about all your past relationships. How many have you had that ended up unhealthy or bad? Why did they end up in this manner? What was it about your loved one that didn’t work for you? What matters did really work?
- Think about the emotional wants you have for a relationship and whether a past loved one met those requirements. If they didn’t, why? What was missing? What would you have needed to see from your loved one?
- Think about whether you had a soulmate who actually ‘got’ you. Did your partner appreciate and understand your quirks? Did your loved one support the matters you were passionate about? What do you wish your soulmate had understood about you?
- Look for the loved ones in your past relationships. Did your loved one all have the same personality traits? Did you advance the relationship too fast? These patterns are the matters you want to ignore in future relationships, as they are not working for you.
Start new relationships slowly
There is no meaning to rush into a relationship. When you first meet someone whom you think might be a nice soulmate, see them occasionally — not often. Take it pretty slow. If you have a history of false relationships, it’s possible you got too connected, too quickly. This time around, get to understand the person over time. Don’t become dependent upon this new human for anything (yet). Be aware of your manners. Try to ignore making impulsive decisions.
Keep your independence
No matter where you are in a relationship, you want to keep some of your independence. Not only does keeping your independence certain you have a healthy relationship, but it also supports you develop healthy attachments. If you’ve had one or more false relationships in the past, you may be tempted to become dependent upon your loved one quickly as it’s easier. But once you get too attached, it can be tough to pull away again — and it can be difficult to identify the symptoms of a bad relationship.
- Keeping your independence also denotes keeping your current circle of buddies and making time to be with them. A relationship shouldn’t replace your buds. A good relationship should complement them. When you’re thinking of initiating a new relationship, take advantage of your circle of buds and lean on them for good support.
Obtain an objective opinion
Sometimes it’s tough to see the forest for the trees. We’re so near to our own experiences that we are unable to view them impartial — especially where feelings are concerned. When you’re thinking of starting a new relationship, get the opinion of a family person or close friend. Someone who is capable of being unbiased, and doesn’t have any of their own interests tied to your potential loved one or your relationship. An impartial third party may be able to see matters about your relationship that you simply have not noticed.
- This type of unbiased opinion isn’t just to make certain you don’t get into a false relationship. This unprejudiced opinion is also helpful to certain you get into a good relationship. You may be hesitant to begin a relationship with someone who doesn’t possess the similar characteristics that your old loved one had, but in reality, this is a nice thing. A good relationship is supposed to lift you up, not hold you down. It is supposed to push you pretty forward, not hold you back.
Develop positive expectations
One unfortunate reason why humans repeatedly end up in bad relationships is because of negative thinking. If you think false way, chances are something wrong is going to occur. And when it does, it backs up what you predicted would occur. In other words, you set yourself up for big failure (maybe without even realizing it).
- Before floating into a relationship, do create a list of realistic (and positive) expectations.
- Just because you’ve had dry luck in the past one doesn’t denote you’re cursed. You’re not destined to always have false relationships. You must change the direction of your life, but it may denote you want to take a small leap of faith or a risk.
Recognizing an Unhealthy Relationship quotes
Treat each other with respect
Respect should be the center point of any relationship. This means that each member of the relationship must not feel the need to control or manipulate the other human. No one in a healthy relationship must feel the need to make the other human feel ridiculed, bad, or guilty.
Trust each other
Faith comes in multiple manners. Each loved one in a relationship must always feel trusted by the other human. This includes trusting that no cheating element is taking place; faith that no one is being disrespectful; and faith that each loved one is able to have secrets without feeling guilt.
Feel comfortable and secure with each other
Both members of any relationship want to feel secure and safe around each other. No one must feel nervous or scared when in the other’s presence, especially of any form of violence. This also includes no one having any fear that the other human is going to have a temper that suddenly blows up and results in matters being thrown or punched.
Resolve conflicts fairly
Conflicts will occur in any relationship. However, healthy relationships must spend more time outside of a fight than in one. If a disagreement occurs in a healthy relationship, it must be resolved respectfully and without any lasting damage. Quarrel in an unhealthy relationship may appear to be resolved, but upon good examination, you may discover it was not resolved fairly. Compromises are needed at times, but they should not always be weighted in one partner’s favor.
Support each other
Each human in the relationship must be able to support the other in whatever they love to do (or not to do). This also denotes that each loved one must have the ability to express themselves and their opinions without being concerned about negative consequences. It’s alright not to like something your loved one says or does, but you don’t need to like it to support it.
- You must never have to sacrifice your own happiness for the sake of your loved one.
- Sometimes being able to support your soulmate denotes not agreeing with something. This is especially true when that ‘something’ may result in the partner becoming injured or hurt. For example, not agreeing that your loved one must have another drink as your loved one wants to drive home.
Value your loved one’s buds and interests
A good relationship includes both partners having other nice friendships. Each partner in a relationship must be able to continue the friendships they had before the relationship began. And neither member in the relationship must have friends disrespected or friendships criticized. No member of a healthy relationship must feel the need to be isolated from friends or family because of their loved one.
Respect each other’s privacy
Each individual of a healthy relationship needs to understand that each person wants to keep some things personal. Not for deceptive reasons, but simply because no human life is an open book. Privacy includes neither person feeling obligated to share every text, phone call, or email they receive with the other human. And neither person must fear that the other is going to become possessive if something is kept personal. Respecting each other’s privacy is connected to the fact that your faith each other.
Healing from Past Relationships
Understand that you might be hanging onto the past
Your past, in many manners, is comfortable. You identify what to expect. Because of this, many people tend to get into relationships that hearten their past destructive manners. You may faith a person is nice for you because your past destructive, but familiar, behavior is is fortify. This, unfortunately, is quite dysfunctional. Chances are this past attitude is not helping you in the present tense, and will not support you in the future.
Develop a plan and stick to it
If a talk with your loved one didn’t work, then you need to implement your plan. Having a plan is good as it helps you stay inspired. Inspirational quotes plan in this case should include where, how, and when you’re going to break up with your loved one. It must also involve plans on what you’ll do under certain situations or circumstances (e.g. what’s your plan if your loved one calls you, what’s your plan if your loved one comes knocking on your door, what’s your plan if your loved one talks badly to your buds about you, etc.). Make certain the plan is something that’s beneficial for you in the long term, not something that will provide you a tiny sense of happiness that won’t last.