Acne, age spots and hyperpigmentation, and dark circles are a normal part of life and having skin, and there is nothing to be ashamed of. But if you want a cover that is balanced, and flawless, the right mask can feel like a magic wand that can cancel out color changes and slip over uneven texture.
Larger masks come in a wide range of similarities, forms, and finishes, from liquid to cream to sticky and beyond. The key is to find the right formula and tone for any problem you are trying to hide. Here are all the makeup tips and tricks you need to know to make your mask look flawless:
Start by choosing the right concealer
Finding the right tone and the right color for the job is important. With lower eyes, you will want to choose a color with a lighter shade than your natural skin tone. “This will brighten up the basement and hide dark circles,” said cosmetic artist Erica Whelan. With age spots, scars and hyperpigmentation, “choose a shade that matches your base color,” he says.
When it comes to tone, our experts say that Peach shades cancel out blue underparts and dark spots in the sun or age. Blue tones hide red spots – follow with a mask that matches your skin tone exactly to be hidden at the end. Yellow tones help to adjust the uneven skin tone from red or light skin. For mature skin and lower eyelids, choose a light formula that will reflect light and add light to the skin, but make sure it is not blinky, which will stabilize fine lines and keep highlighting what you are trying to hide.
Apply skincare and foundation first
Apply any moisturizer, primer, and foundation before reaching the concealer. If you use your foundation first, you blur the imperfections and you probably won’t need to use a lot of secrecy. If you do not use the foundation at all and just hide it, be sure to apply water to your skin first!
Hide dark circles and underground color changes
If you want to lighten dark underwear circles, grab a concealer with a shiny or glowing formula, Whelan said. Our experts prefer liquid formulas for thin skin near the eyes, as creams and dense formulas can stay in fine lines and wrinkles.
Instead of sweeping over the color change in a circle, draw a rectangular triangle that highlights the front of your face and creates a raised illusion. For best results, “tap the mask under the eye and click the product in its place with your finger ring or a small light shadow brush,” Whelan said.
Hide the puffiness and the bags under the eyes
While makeup may not change the mood, it can create deceptive ideas to disrupt any aspects you want to hide (or emphasize – consider doing contouring). Liquids are “good to use if you need to light up a place,” says Joy Fennell, a makeup artist and founder of The Joy in Beauty and the All Black Everything Summit.
Using a tone with 1-2 shades lighter than your base, “add [this] a bright concealment pen just above and below the area where the lower eye is most prominent,” Whelan said. “By adding light to those areas, it makes those areas more visible and makes the arrogance less noticeable.”
Apply to spots and acne
If you are already dealing with acne with your skincare product but want to hide any bumps or redness at the moment, “choose a heavy stick-like cream,” advises Whelan, and apply it “with a sharp brush to apply the mask where you want it to go. Gently blend the edges of the mask with a brush. , the edge of a sponge, or finger to attach to the skin for a seamless combination. ”
Camouflage dark spots and hyperpigmentation
“Choose a heavy cream formula to cover the sun/age spots,” Whelan said: “You have to be thick enough to completely cover the darkness. “Apply the foundation first to separate the skin tone, and then use the mask there for maximum protection,” Whelan said. “If you are trying to reduce thirst, be sure to use a hydrating formula and not a matte one,” Fennell said.
Carefully wear scarves and pockmarks
With a small scar, Fennell says a crayon or pencil formula is good; just follow or complete the mark with a good point. In large scars, “the liquid would not be a good choice because it travels on the surface and its formula is not hard enough to hide it,” he says. Instead, apply a pot or cream concealer using your brush or fingers to get the best combination.
Set the cake concealer in its tracks
Prevent concealer from getting the cake or stay in the area around your eyes by closing the excess product after installation. Divide the tissue into two layers, and press one sheet against the skin to remove excess oil or overweight product.
Set with powder for endless power
If you have oily skin, be sure to apply a [concealer] powder to prevent it from moving, “says Fennell. It does so by “slightly tapping the light powder on the surface,” Whelan said. “This helps the detective stay in place all day.”